To The Girl Who Isn't So Sure She'd Be Missed.
I know things might be hard right now, and in your mind ending it all seems rational, but let me tell you a secret: it's not. You might not think it would matter, but what about everyone else?
What about your mom? You may think she wouldn't bat an eye, but in reality, she would cry for a while until she was empty. She would sit on your bed, hug your pillow, and stare at the wall for hours on end. She would miss you.
What about your siblings? They wouldn't have an overly annoying sister there to irk their nerves constantly. Instead, the laughter would be turned to grief. They would miss you.
What about your dad? He would drink until his liver couldn't bear it anymore. He would cover his grief up with anger. He will blame himself until there's nothing left of him. He would walk by your room, stare for a second, and close the door slowly. He would miss you.
What about your pets? You're their human and their favorite cuddle buddy. Your dog wouldn't have your bed to sleep in at night anymore because you wouldn't be in it. They would be confused as to why their owner never woke up from that "nap." Your pets would miss you.
What about your friends? Your seat in all seven periods — and at lunch — would be empty. There would be a memorial for you. Your friends would stare blankly at the whiteboards, remembering all the times you got in trouble for writing on them. Your friends would miss you.
What about your niece and nephews? They wouldn't have their super cool aunt around to play hide & seek, board games, Barbie, etc. Your niece wouldn't be able to interrupt your makeup routine so you could put some on hers. Your nephews would never be able to steal your fries when you aren't looking. They would miss you.
What about your grandparents? Cousins? Coworkers? What about everyone whose life you have impacted greatly?
You may not realize it, but you would be oh so missed by many.
They would miss you.
If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts, call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline — 1-800-273-8255