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When The Drip Finally Stops.

Have you ever thought about taking your own life? Most people have. 75% of people have attempted, I'm one of them. When I was 16, I attempted, and it has impacted my life heavily since.

People think after all the medication, support, & therapy that those thoughts go away, they don't. I'm an Aunt, a girlfriend, a daughter, & a friend, I'm not planning on going anywhere anytime soon.

That doesn't mean it doesn't constantly cross my mind. Of course, you can't really talk to a licensed professional about it, or they are most definitely going to throw you on several medications and possibly in the psych ward, which isn't fun by the way. I just wonder what it'd be like if it all ended, when the drip finally stopped. Would my leg no longer shake when I drive? Could I eat a meal without feeling like I did something wrong? Maybe I'd sleep through the night, or like walking past a mirror, or be able to simply speak to people about what's going on in my head without feeling like I sound absolutely crazy.

Maybe, I won't. Maybe things won't change. I attempted once, I have no plans on spending my time in those hospital socks talking to people I don't know about my problems they don't care about again. I can't help but wonder sometimes, how would things be with me gone. Would I be at peace? Would I finally feel relief? Would it continue?

I have thought several times, almost daily, about taking my life. Not doing it, just the " What Ifs? " of it, truth be told. Like I said though, I'm an aunt to 3 beautiful kids, who I want to see grow up, graduate, fall in love, and have kids of their own. I'm a girlfriend to a man who would move an entire mountain if I asked him to, and sometimes I crack a funny joke. I'm a daughter, maybe not the best one sometimes, but I don't think I've disappointed them too much, and I'm a friend, maybe one who isn't around as often as you'd like, but I always come through when needed.

Not so many years ago, I was a baby, who laughed and took my first steps. Then, I was in Kindergarten, full of innocence. Middle schooler, who's biggest concern was what boy liked me. Then, I was a high school graduate with no plans for college or life. Fast forward 2 years later, I'm 19, in college, with my entire life in my hands, and I'm not quite sure what to do with it. Sometimes, I feel so powerful I could kick a door down, sometimes I feel like the world is plotting against me, and sometimes I am so full of joy my little heart might explode. I've got the entire world in my hands, I could move away, cut my hair, change my name, or take my own life.

Sometimes, I wonder what it'd be like when the drip finally stops, when all is said and done what it'd be like, but I also am curious to see what I do with my life, what course I decide to go, and I think I'm more interested in what I'm going to do than I am when I'm gone, that doesn't mean I don't think about it, or wonder.

It isn't talked about enough, you're allowed to think those thoughts without actually wanting to follow through with them, I have the perfect life, and I still think about, but I'd never dare do it. I have too much relying on me to do that. I love life, but I wonder what it'd be like if it ended. Maybe I'm crazy, maybe I'm curious. Call it what you want.

Ft. My pretty friends, and me laughing.



Hi! I'm glad you're here!!

I'm Kealey, I made this blog as an outlet for me, while being helpful to you. I made a promise to be real & raw through this outlet, & I hope I make you feel better, or atleast less alone. Remember, it'll be just peachy ;)!!

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